Quick Question: Why are Prehensile Tails Special?

Here, Christine Song, environmental scientist and Virtual Outreach Coordinator and STEM Communicator at CAGIS, explains why prehensile tails are special.
CAGIS Summer Reading List

Learn about the novels that will entertain and educate you all summer long!
Canadian Association for Girls in Science Receives NSERC PromoScience Grant to Support Multi-Year Virtual Program

The Canadian Association for Girls in Science (CAGIS) is thrilled to accept a PromoScience grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). CAGIS will receive $150,000 per year for 3 years totalling $450,000, to support the ongoing success of the new CAGIS Virtual program!
#InspiredByCAGIS: Meet CAGIS Member Clara Brown

Meet Clara Brown, a CAGIS Teen Ambassador, a Global Youth Mobilization panelist, a Young Canadians’ Parliament participant, and a youth member of Girl Guides of Canada who has always been interested in STEM.