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CAGIS Clubhouse

The CAGIS Clubhouse: Then and Now

Old CAGIS Website
CAGIS logo

In 1998, CAGIS launched its first-ever website.

The first CAGIS website was created by CAGIS Founder and President, Dr. Larissa Vingilis-Jaremko, when she was only 14 years old, after she took a web design course at school. The design was based on a treehouse image she drew by hand, then scanned and edited on her computer. The interactive design, which involved an image that filled the screen with clickable elements, was very unique for its time and won design awards for its creativity and innovation.

original clubhouse website exterior view

The website had parts for the public to learn about CAGIS programming and a members-only section: the Clubhouse. Members could log in to the Clubhouse and find puzzles, experiments, and other fun STEM activities. They could even communicate with other members across Canada using the message board and visit Professor Hootie, who shared ‘Did you Know?’ facts.

Interior view of the old CAGIS clubhouse website
A view inside the original CAGIS Clubhouse with Professor Hootie at the window.
Old CAGIS website in YES Mag
YES Magazine clipping from 1999.**

In the early 2000s, the design was updated, but the look and feel of the Clubhouse stayed the same. The CAGIS website was later replaced with a simpler design that was more responsive and better reflected current web standards.

Now, in 2023, we are launching a new website, including a subsite that features activities, events, STEM facts, and more! As part of the process, we asked our Teen Ambassadors to brainstorm ideas for the design of this new subsite. The most popular idea was a Clubhouse.

So, we brought it back!

graphic of a treehouse against a blue sky
The new Clubhouse!

The new Clubhouse is open to all users, not just members. Visitors can get hands-on with STEM, read about inspiring role models, and find the latest CAGIS news. 

There are also several new features to the Clubhouse, including: 

  • CAGIS’ video content like our Off Limits, Seeing is Believing, and Gender Equity in STEM series, 
  • STEM Challenges and Contests with prizes,
  • a Youth Blog,
  • information about special events, like our International Day of Women and Girls in Science panels and other celebrations, and 
  • a CAGIS Virtual section where we list upcoming sessions and registration information.


Ready to explore? Check it out now!

Want to write for the Youth Blog? Get in touch!

Please note that our website address has not changed. You can still find us at To visit the Clubhouse, simply go to our main site and click on “Enter the Clubhouse”, or go directly to


**The YES Magazine clipping inaccurately states that the original website launched in 1997. In fact, it launched in 1998.

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