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CAGIS Clubhouse

Meet the 2022-2023 Teen Ambassadors

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CAGIS Teen Ambassador Senior Leaders


My name is Christiane and I’m 16 years old. I love listening to music, watching basketball, and traveling. My favorite class in school is math, but I also really enjoy physics, chemistry, and biology. When I graduate high school I plan on pursuing a career in engineering. 


Hello, I’m Danica. Some of my favourite hobbies include watching marvel movies, reading, painting, and hanging out with friends. The STEM topic I am most interested in is engineering. When I’m older, I would love to pursue a career in aerospace or computer engineering.


Hi! I am Jaidyn. I have a strong passion for STEM, especially biology, technology, and coding. I have been introduced to various inspirational STEM role models in these fields, and I wish to be the same for young girls across the country. I have various hobbies which include baking and reading. I also enjoy sports such as swimming and skiing. 


Hi! My name is Mahi. My professional ambition is to work as a software engineer. When you challenge yourself, you grow as a person. Because of this, engineering and technology are my preferred STEM fields. You can question, investigate, invent, learn, and create, to give ideas life through these subjects.


Hello! I’m Mala and I am 17 years old. My interests in STEM have fluctuated over the years. I’ve gone from being interested in coding and technology to chemistry to biology to environmental science. All of these topics are so diverse and intriguing in each of their own ways. 


My name is Shabad. I am involved in many STEM camps, events, and activities around my community, and hope to pursue a career in STEM too. Although STEM as a whole interests me, my favorite STEM topic is neuroscience. In the future, I have an interest in doing research in neuropathology such as Alzheimer’s and ALS.

CAGIS Teen Ambassadors


My name is Aayla and I am the founder of the eco-club in my school. I believe that climate change should be a big focus of schools because, for the younger generations, climate change will have a massive impact on our lives. When I start my undergraduate degree, I plan to go into computer sciences. Computer science is the future of the world! 


Hi! My name is Alice and I am 16 years old. My favorite parts of STEM are science and technology, but my specific interests are coding and space. I have been coding for a very long time on many different platforms and I really enjoy it!


My name is Annika. My main areas of interest are mathematics and computer science, especially quantum computing and artificial intelligence. I am a hardworking and passionate individual who wants to give back to my community. 


Hi, I’m Bianca! I am in grade 10 in the IB stream. Some things I enjoy in my free time are reading, coding, swimming, baking, skating, skiing, playing volleyball, and chess. At school, I find opportunities to participate in STEM activities. I am looking forward to launching a VEX Robotics team this school year by engaging students and teachers!


My name is Chaewon and I’m a first generation immigrant from South Korea. Besides gaming and playing with my dogs, my favorite thing to do is upcycling clothes. My interest in environmental sciences and engineering helped me realize the impact the fashion industry has on our environment. Aside from this, I’m also interested in studying nuclear physics, pharmacology, and physcology.


I’m Clara! I really enjoy volunteering with youth, and I am a panellist for Global Youth Mobilization, an initiative of the UN, WHO, and IFRC, which funds youth-based solutions to issues all over the world. I am also a member of the UNICEF Canada Youth Advocacy Program. I was awarded the Outstanding Youth Award from Girl Guides of Canada’s Ontario Council. I am interested in all topics in STEM, but am most excited about science and technology.


My name is Daniella. I am a grade 10 student completing the IB program at my high school. While my favourite subjects are math and French, I truly enjoyed my science class last year. We had a unit on astronomy, where I got a deeper understanding of our universe. I was in awe of how much is out there!


Hello! My name is Diya and I am a grade 10 french immersion student. I enjoy many things, such as participating in CAGIS, exploring my creativity, being involved in my community and being active! I love to explore different areas of interest in STEM. I enjoy learning about aviation, biology and chemistry! I like to explore these interests by participating in clubs including the GoCODE and GoENG programs as well as STEM conferences.


My name is Elissa. Last year I completed a service project with Girl Guides and I had over 60 hours of volunteering related to STEM. Many of those hours came from being a Teen Ambassador, but I also got them from the Science Centre, and I led a science meeting for young girls. The girls I taught were about 4-6 years old, and I did science experiments with them that they really enjoyed.


My name is Emma. My passion for science has remained persistent, but I especially love physics. In my role as minister of my school’s committee of World Involvement and Environment, I will be raising money to fund projects by working with the Nova Scotia Gambia Association, organizing school-wide garbage clean-ups for Earth Week, and will continue to advocate for more environmental protection awareness.


Hello. My name is Ghavriel. I love STEM, but I also love interacting and engaging with others. I want to be a part of bringing more black girls into STEM fields and using STEM to make the world a better place!


My name is Hannah I am a hard-working, STEM-loving student. I want to share my enthusiasm and excitement for STEM with everyone I come across. Together with like-minded individuals, I want to be an advocate for positive change, paving the way for those who come after me and encouraging them to forge their own paths in the STEM fields.


I’m Jessica and I am 15 years old. I speed skate competitively, play instruments, including the piano and flute, and I love to participate in STEM related activities like math competitions. My favourite parts of STEM are math and science. I love math because of its structure and its absolute nature. I also find it beautiful to find math in everyday things. Math and science are full of limitless creativity!


Hi! I’m Kate. I look up to Samantha Cristoforetti. Samantha Cristoforetti once said that if you have to choose between something challenging and something easy, the challenge is probably a lot more fun. This STEM role model has inspired me to pursue my passion for STEM because you never know where it will take you. 


Hi! My name is Kristen. I am a creative person who loves problem-solving and thinking outside of the box. My favourite STEM topics are technology and engineering. I hope  to pursue a career in the technology industry and leverage technology to solve real-world problems and advance women in STEM. 


Hi! I am Mariam and I am a climate enthusiast. I have been a World Changer in my school since I was in Grade 3. My favourite subjects are math and science. I like doing hands-on experiments such as making elephant toothpaste, home-made paper, building apps, websites, and cryptography. Some of my other hobbies are reading novels and playing musical instruments such as piano, violin, and ukelele. 


Hi! I am Mariana. I love anything STEM related, problem solving, and always learning! I love science, especially chemistry and math. I want to make a difference in the world! I have many hobbies. I read 4 to 5 books each month because I love to read. I also love crocheting little amigurumi animals!


My name is Meredith and I am passionate about giving back to the community. I have been exposed to many fields of STEM through CAGIS including chromatography, food science, and cosmetic chemistry. Besides the obvious benefits of being exposed to experts in the STEM field, I also enjoy getting together with other girls who have similar interests as me.


My name is Riddhima and I love exploring STEM by participating in science fairs and by competing in competitions like UBC’s High School Design Competition. I am most interested in biology and physics. Most recently, I used Scratch to build a model plane that flies about 7 feet high with a remote controller.


Hello! My name is Rose. This year I hope to use my previous STEM experiences to provide better content as a teen ambassador, meet new youth, inspire young learners, reach out on my social media, and learn a lot along the way! Most importantly, I want to inspire other youth to dive deeper into their STEM studies!


Hi, my name is Shifa and I am very passionate about STEM. My interests include aerospace engineering, optogenetics, environmental science and so much more. I have participated in many hackathons through organizations like the European Space Agency, NASA, and the Canadian Space Agency. I really enjoy coding and robotics and that’s something I want to be able to incorporate in my future occupation.


Hello! My name is Sophie. I aspire to use science and maths in my future as they are my favourite STEM subjects. Experiments and hands-on work are a few of my favourite things in the STEM world and I love to continue exploring STEM topics this way.


My name is Tanvi. I am passionate about learning STEM and exploring potential careers in the area. Although I enjoy learning all subjects in school, my favourite subjects are math and science. In robotics, I had the fantastic opportunity to explore programming in block and JavaScript. I hope to continue to learn coding as it interests me. 

CAGIS Junior Teen Ambassadors


My name is Fiona. l am a member of several initiatives including the United Nations Youth Constituency for Climate Change UNYCCC YOUNGO (IYCM). I am also a Youth Council Member with Ontario Nature, have served as a facilitator with the Young Canadians’ Parliament, and I was awarded a National Change Maker award from Girl Guides of Canada. 


My name is Phoenix. I have always been interested in how things work. I love solving puzzles and trying to work out problems. For many years now, I have wanted to be an architect and engineer. When I grow up, I hope to attend university to study to become one!


My name is Valini. My favourite areas of STEM are chemistry, cosmetology, and geology. I especially love cosmetology because it gives me a great feeling of accomplishment. I also love building puzzles, playing volleyball, and the violin. 


Hi! My name is Vyshnavi! I’m an 8th grader who loves reading. My favourite STEM topics are biology and environmental science. I have always been concerned about climate change and global warming, and applying my knowledge to help the world is my passion.

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