Skin Care
Did you know that the skin is the largest organ of the human body?! In this session, we created our own balm to keep our lips moist and protect them in the winter weather.
Flying by Instruments
Together, we flew a flight simulator and used instruments to pilot a plane in bad weather!
Mirrors in Space
We created our own models of the James Webb Telescope to understand how it works, why it uses mirrors, and more!
Teen Ambassadors STEM Trivia!
We finished our 2022 events with a fun-filled session led by the CAGIS Teen Ambassadors in a virtual space on Gather.
Radioactive Food for Thought
Many things in our world, including some foods, are naturally radioactive! Does that mean they’re dangerous?
Floating 3D Images
In this visually stunning session, we made a pyramid to project 3D images from a smartphone or tablet using the principle of “Pepper’s Ghost”: an illusion technique used in the theatre, amusement parks, and concerts.
Plant Doctors
How can you tell when a plant is sick? Together, we became plant doctors – or plant pathologists – and diagnosed sick plants.
Mathmón : the fun statistics of card games
Do you want to become an unbeatable game-player? In this session, we created our own card deck and used statistics to calculate our chances of winning or losing on our own Pokemón-inspired card game!
Jiggling Gels: Halloween Concoctions
Ewww… what’s that slippery stuff?! Halloween is a time to explore the chemistry of hygroscopic substances that are slimy, slippery, and sticky.
Visualizing Bird Songs
In this session, we created our own bird whistles based on the biology of birds and saw the sound waves created by the whistles on our computers!