Plant Doctors

How can you tell when a plant is sick? Together, we became plant doctors – or plant pathologists – and diagnosed sick plants.

Mathmón : the fun statistics of card games

Do you want to become an unbeatable game-player? In this session, we created our own card deck and used statistics to calculate our chances of winning or losing on our own Pokemón-inspired card game!

Jiggling Gels: Halloween Concoctions

Ewww… what’s that slippery stuff?! Halloween is a time to explore the chemistry of hygroscopic substances that are slimy, slippery, and sticky.

Visualizing Bird Songs

In this session, we created our own bird whistles based on the biology of birds and saw the sound waves created by the whistles on our computers!

Be a Plant Scientist for a Day

venus fly trap

Did you know that plants are smarter than we think? CAGIS Hamilton got up close and personal with some amazing plants that can move, lure and catch prey, or even have their own defense system.

Be a Chemist for a Day


Have you ever wondered how medicines are made at a microscopic or nanoparticle scale? Join CAGIS Vancouver and scientists from chemical company, Evonik, for a fun, hands-on experience!

The Three Sisters, Water, & Indigenous Knowledge

Indigenous Peoples have been monitoring, collecting data, and stewarding the land and the environment across the ages. This has led to a rich knowledge base, known as Traditional Ecological Knowledge, which is a part of Indigenous Knowledge, a recognized science.

Build a Sound Recording Device

Build a Sound Recording Device

Have you ever recorded your voice on a phone or in a studio? Do you know how it works? In this session, we will receive FREE sound recorder kits in the mail and HACK them to learn the science, engineering, and mathematics of electronics!