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#GirlsNeedRoleModels: Celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science with CAGIS


Did you know that women make up only 23% of science and technology workers and less than 4% of trades workers in Canada? Yet science, technology, trades, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations are among the highest-paid and fastest-growing occupations in the country. Research has shown that children’s exposure to stereotypical images of scientists plays a strong role in shaping their perceptions of scientists and their interest in entering STEM fields. 

But there’s good news: providing children with non-stereotyped and diverse role models can reduce stereotypes and increase interest in pursuing STEM fields. For this reason, the Canadian Association for Girls in Science (CAGIS) is celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11, with a massive new campaign across all social media channels. #GirlsNeedRoleModels encourages women and girls in science, technology, trades, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to share their stories and showcase the endless possibilities for the future.

Join us for #GirlsNeedRoleModels and spark a movement that inspires young people to see their future selves in STEM.

Drawing by Shifa Hussein
How can you participate?

1) Follow CAGIS @GirlsInScience on all social media platforms (TwitterFacebook, and Instagram)

2) Share our campaign video. Mark your calendars – we’ll be posting across all platforms at 9:00 am on February 11.

3) Share your photos. Tag @GirlsInScience and use the hashtags #GirlsNeedRoleModels #WomenInSTEM #WomenInScienceDay. Not sure what kind of photo to share? Check out these examples with some photos to inspire you!

4) Interested in doing more? Join renowned experts like Dr. Anne Innis Dagg, the world’s first giraffologist, and Maryam Tsegaye, the first Canadian to win the prestigious Breakthrough Challenge, for an evening virtual panel event entitled Girls Need Role Models.

If girls can see it, they can be it. It is our responsibility to educate, empower, and inspire a vibrant future in STEM.

Thank you for your support! We’ll see you on social media!

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