Cool Data

We built our own thermometers and explored ways to cool materials with the same processes Data Centres use to keep our data safe and available in the cloud.

Skin Care

Did you know that the skin is the largest organ of the human body?! In this session, we created our own balm to keep our lips moist and protect them in the winter weather.

Flying by Instruments

Together, we flew a flight simulator and used instruments to pilot a plane in bad weather!

Mirrors in Space

We created our own models of the James Webb Telescope to understand how it works, why it uses mirrors, and more!

Teen Ambassadors STEM Trivia!

We finished our 2022 events with a fun-filled session led by the CAGIS Teen Ambassadors in a virtual space on Gather.

Announcing the CAGIS Youth STEM Awards Winners

youth stem awards

The CAGIS Youth STEM Awards recognize the outstanding achievements of girls, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming youth aged 7-17 in Canada, who have exhibited excellence in STEM innovation, equity, or communication.